PensionsEurope represents national associations of pension funds and similar institutions for workplace and other funded pensions. Some members operate purely individual pension schemes.
PensionsEurope has 25 member associations in 18 EU Member States and 3 other European countries.
PensionsEurope member organisations cover different types of workplace pensions for around 90 million people. Through its Member Associations, PensionsEurope represents close to € 5 trillion of assets managed for future pension payments. In addition, many members of PensionsEurope also cover personal pensions, which are connected with an employment relation.
PensionsEurope also has 14 Corporate and Supporter Members, which are various service providers and stakeholders that work with IORPs.
PensionsEurope has established a Central & Eastern European Countries Forum (CEEC Forum) to discuss issues common to pension systems in that region.
PensionsEurope has established a Multinational Advisory Group (MAG), which delivers advice on pension issues to PensionsEurope. It provides a collective voice and information sharing for the expertise and opinions of multinationals.
What PensionsEurope stands for
- A regulatory environment encouraging workplace pension membership;
- Ensure that more and more Europeans can benefit from an adequate income in retirement;
- Policies which will enable sufficient contributions and good returns.
Our Members offer
- Economies of scale in governance, administration and asset management;
- Risk pooling and often intergenerational risk-sharing;
- Often “not-for-profit” and some/all of the costs are borne by the employer;
- Members of workplace pension schemes often benefit from a contribution paid by the employer;
- Wide-scale coverage due to mandatory participation, sector-wide participation based on collective agreements and soft-compulsion elements such as auto-enrolment;
- Good governance and alignment of interest due to participation of the main stakeholders.
Vision of PensionsEurope
People in Europe have good pensions.
The Mission of PensionsEurope
- PensionsEurope works to promote, protect and build awareness of workplace pensions and other employment related retirement provisions, organized by organisations that are first and foremost social institutions and are active in financial markets. Employers often play a crucial role in workplace pensions, which can take many different forms. Our actions reflect on the impact of the changing labour markets and new forms of work.
- PensionsEurope promotes different types of workplace pensions and employment related retirement provisions, which have a vital role for the majority of Europeans.
- PensionsEurope promotes balanced multi-pillar pension systems in Europe in order to allow each Member State to position its pension system according to its political preferences as to the role of the State, social partners and individuals in retirement provision.
- PensionsEurope supports the principle of subsidiarity and proportionality in workplace pensions and that national Member States are responsible in determining the pension scheme characteristics and retirement provisions.
- PensionsEurope advocates pension institutions as responsible institutional investors, which contribute to the sustainability, stability and growth of the European economy and financial markets.
- PensionsEurope works to ensure that European regulation supports and does not cause adverse effects to workplace pensions or other employment related retirement provisions, which allows to deliver adequate, safe and affordable pensions and retirement provisions.
- PensionsEurope promotes taxation principles that encourage pension savings, both at national and European levels.