PensionsEurope’s 2024-2029 policy priorities for the new European Parliament and European Commission

Europe’s pension landscape is at a critical juncture. As we move towards 2029, the aging demographic, economic uncertainty, and changing work patterns require an updated approach to pensions. PensionsEurope is committed to promoting resilient, inclusive, and adequate pensions across Europe.

In our document, “European needs progress in pensions – PensionsEurope’s 2024-2029 Policy Priorities for the New European Parliament and European Commission”, we outline crucial principles to address Europe’s key challenges and the vital role funded pensions should play:

  • Providing access and adequate provisions: We emphasise the need for greater pension coverage, closing existing gaps, and ensuring positive outcomes, with funded pensions as a crucial part of the solution.
  • Unique Role of Pension Funds: We explain why pension funds are distinct from other financial actors and their unique contributions to society.
  • Balancing National and European Policies: We advocate for a good balance between member states’ policies and European policies, ensuring pension funds benefit more from the Single Market.
  • Sectoral and Horizontal Legislation: We stress the importance of maintaining minimum harmonisation in sectoral legislation (IORP II Directive), while considering the specificities of pension funds in other horizontal legislation. 

PensionsEurope is dedicated to addressing these challenges and ensuring that more Europeans can benefit from good retirement provisions.



Publication – European needs progress in pensions – PensionsEurope’s 2024-2029 Policy Priorities for the New European Parliament and European Commission” 

Read here.

PensionsEurope’s 2024-2029 policy priorities for the new European Parliament and European Commission
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