PensionsEurope submits response to the European Commission’s Green Paper on Ageing

On 21 April 2021, PensionsEurope submitted a response to the Commission’s Green Paper on Ageing, demographic change in Europe.

PensionsEurope welcomes the Green Paper on Ageing and believes this paper is a good starting point to launch a debate on the main impacts of the demographic transformations in Europe.

As representative of national associations of pension funds and similar institutions for workplace and other funded pensions, PensionsEurope believes one of the main needs people have is to enjoy an adequate standard of living in retirement, which implies having good pensions. We think more needs to be done at the EU and national levels and with the involvement of the social partners and all interested stakeholders to ensure that all people will enjoy adequate living standards in old age.

PensionsEurope believes the Green Paper should reflect more on the role that workplace pensions can play to (a) provide people with additional retirement income, (b) keep pension systems sustainable in the long term, and (c) contribute to economic growth in Europe. The Green Paper, the debate that will follow, and the measures that eventually will be considered by the European Commission should include policies and initiatives aimed at facilitating and encouraging participation in workplace pension schemes. Workplace pensions are essential for the adequacy and sustainability of our pension systems. PensionsEurope and its members are strong supporters of multi-pillar pension systems able to provide adequate and sustainable pensions to people in Europe.

You can read our contribution here.

PensionsEurope submits response to the European Commission’s Green Paper on Ageing
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