PensionsEurope’s answer to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the Savings and Investments Union

PensionsEurope has responded to the European Commission’s Call for Evidence on the Savings and Investments Union, presenting our recommendations to strengthen funded pensions across the EU and support the activities of pension funds.

Our answer highlights the need to complete the Capital Markets Union action plan, expand auto-enrolment to enhance pension coverage, and develop long-term savings products and/ or personal pension products. We also provide our insights on a potential review of the PEPP.

Additionally, we stress the importance of implementing attractive tax incentives at the national level for the development of occupational and personal pensions. We advocate for the development of national tracking systems and national dashboards. 

Lastly, we support the EC’s simplification agenda. EU horizontal regulation have largely impacted pension funds, which in many cases, do not take into account their specificities. 

We published a press release available here. 

Our position paper can be found below.

PensionsEurope’s answer to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the Savings and Investments Union
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